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What We Do

Host Homes

The Host Home Program at TCCI

What Is a Host Home?

A safe and secure non-institutional space that provides short term emergency shelter for runaway and homeless youth. Host Homes are funded by the Basic Center Program grants.







What is the Basic Center Program?

The Basic Center Program (BCP) helps create and strengthen community-based programs that meet the immediate needs of runaway and homeless youth under 18 years old. In addition, BCP tries to reunite young people with their families or locate appropriate alternative placements.

BCP provides the following services:

• Up to 21 days of shelter
• Food, clothing and medical care
• Individual, group and family counseling
• Crisis Intervention
• Recreation programs
• Aftercare services for youth after they leave the shelter

How Do I Become a Host Home?

Augie Garcia

Why Should I Become a Host Home?

Issue History

Every year, as many as 550,000 young people are homeless for more than a week, according to estimates by the National Alliance to End Homelessness. On the street, youth can become victims of violence, develop serious mental health and addiction problems, and be forced to trade sex for basic needs. The Runaway and Homeless Youth Program serves as the national leader for the provision of shelter services to unaccompanied homeless youth. Grants are administered to public and private organizations to establish and operate youth emergency shelters and transitional living programs.

What Laws Govern This Program?

Runaway and Homeless Youth Act Rule On December 20, 2016, FYSB published a rule (45 CFR Part § 1351.23) to improve performance standards and program requirements for RHY Programs. This rule builds upon FYSB's existing policies and guidance to better support youth and young adults who have runaway or are experiencing homelessness by strengthening training and professional development for service providers, defining safe and appropriate exits from homelessness, requiring aftercare planning for Basic Center Program and Transitional Living Programs that covers at least 3 months for all youth exiting programs, and improving
nondiscrimination protections for youth. The rule also clarifies statutory changes made to the RHY Act of 2008. All RHY recipients must comply with the requirements in the rule. Program Administration Requirements Applicants are advised that statutory requirements applicable to grants under this NOFO can be found in the RHY Act, 34 U.S.C. 11201-11281.

Basic Center Programs (BCP) serve runaway and homeless youth. BCP is a component of the Administration on Children, Youth, and Families (ACF), Family Youth and Services Bureau (FYSB), United States Department of Health and Human Services.